

Terms & Conditions

Welcome to the www.balmytrip.com website. This Website is provided solely to assist customers/users in gathering travel information, determining the availability of travel-related services, doing legitimate reservations or otherwise transacting business with travel suppliers, and for no other purposes. The terms “we”, “us”, “our” and ” BALMYTRIP ” refer to BalmyTrip Holidays Private Limited, a company incorporated in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The term “you” refers to the customer visiting the Website and/or booking a reservation through us on this Website, or through our customer service agents.

This Website is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of all the terms, conditions, and notices set forth below (collectively, the “Agreement”). By accessing this Website in any way, you comply and agree to be bound by the Agreement. Please read the Agreement and DEFINITIONS carefully. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, please refrain from suing www.balmytrip.com Website.


  • 1.1 BalmyTrip Holidays Private Limited (“BALMYTRIP”), is an organization formed under the laws of India, with its chief premises at 3/38 Rajni Khand, Sharda Nagar, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh,226002, gives different travel related administration through its website (www.BalmyTrip.com)
  • 1.2 BALMYTRIP shall give you (“Client”) travel-related data, estimate, accessibility and bookings for aircrafts, inns, railroad, occasion bundles, transport and auto rentals crosswise over urban communities and rustic territories throughout India (“Administration/s or BALMYTRIP Administrations”). These Administrations might be profited by the Client in India, whenever amid the year, it is offered by different outsider sellers like aircrafts, lodgings, etc. (“Service Suppliers”).
  • 1.3 This Ace Client Agreement (“Agreement”) is appropriate to all BALMYTRIP Administrations. Withstanding this Assertion and relying upon the Administrations decided on by the Client, the Client should be able acknowledge the presented terms and states of service (“SOS”) for each such Administration, which might be refreshed or altered by BALMYTRIP occasionally. Such SOS might be considered to be a piece of this Understanding and in case of a contention between such SOS and this Assertion, the terms of this Understanding shall preponderate.
  • 1.4 BALMYTRIP Administrations are offered to the Client, moulded on acknowledgment without alteration of the considerable number of terms, conditions and notification contained in this Assertion and the SOS, as might be posted on the Site now and again. For arising questions, it is cleared up that profiting of the Administrations by the Client constitutes an affirmation and acknowledgment by the Client of this Understanding and the SOS. On the off chance that the Client does not concur with any piece of such terms, conditions and notification, the Client must not benefit from BALMYTRIP Administrations.
  • 1.5 Moreover, the Specialist co-op itself may give terms and rules that oversee specific highlights, offers or the working tenets and arrangements relevant to each Administration (for instance, flights, inn reservations, bundles, and so forth.). The Client might be in charge of guaranteeing consistence with the terms and rules or working principles and arrangements of the Specialist organization with whom the Client chooses to bargain, including terms and conditions put forward in a Specialist organizations’ toll rules, contract of carriage or house rules.
  • 1.6 BALMYTRIP at its sole watchfulness holds the privilege not to acknowledge any request put forward by the Client through the Site without allocating any reason thereof. Any agreement to give any administration by BALMYTRIP isn’t finished until the point when full cash towards the administration is received from the Client and acknowledged by BALMYTRIP.

2. Alteration Of Terms

BALMYTRIP maintains all authority to change the terms, conditions, and notification under which the Administrations are offered through the Site, including yet not restricted to the charges for the Administrations gave through the Site. The Client might be in charge of consistently checking on these terms and conditions.

3. Protection Arrangement

The Client asserts, communicates and concurs that he has perused and completely comprehended the Protection Approach of BALMYTRIP. The Client additionally asserts that the terms and substance of such Security Strategy are worthy to him.

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We also rack the Internet address of the domains from which people visit us and analyze this data for trends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous.

4. Restricted Client

  • 4.1 The Client concurs and attempts not to offer, exchange or endeavour for any business purposes, any segment of the Administration. For the expulsion of uncertainty, it is elucidated that BALMYTRIP Services, including the utilization of the Site, isn’t for business utilization, yet is particularly implied for individual utilization.
  • 4.2 The Client additionally concurs and attempts not to figure out, change, duplicate, circulate, transmit, show, perform, replicate, distribute, permit, make subsidiary works from, exchange, or offer any data, programming, items or administrations received from the Site. Restricted multiplication and duplicating of the substance of the Site is allowed given that the BALMYTRIP’s name is expressed as the source. For the evacuation of uncertainty, it is cleared up that boundless or discount proliferation, replicating of the substance for business or non-business purposes and unjustifiable adjustment of information and data inside the substance of the Site isn’t allowed.

5. Disclaimer Of Guarantees/Impediment Of Obligation.

  • 5.1 BALMYTRIP has tried to guarantee that all the data gave by it, is right. However, BALMYTRIP neither warrants nor makes any portrayals with respect to the quality, exactness or culmination of any information or data. BALMYTRIP makes no guarantee, express or inferred, concerning the Site and additionally its substance and renounces all guarantees of wellness for a specific reason and guarantees of merchantability in regard of administrations, including any obligation, duty, or some other claim, at all, in regard of any misfortune, regardless of whether immediate or considerable, to any Client or some other individual, emerging out of or from the utilization of any such data.
  • 5.2 To the degree BALMYTRIP acts just as a booking operator and facilitator of Administrations for outsider specialist organizations, it might not have any risk at all for any part of the courses of action between the specialist organization and the Client as respects the gauges and rendering of administrations by the specialist co-ops. BALMYTRIP might additionally not have obligation or risk in connection to the legitimacy of the legitimate rights identified with outsider substance. All outsider protected innovation rights as showed on the site are possessed by gatherings and BALMYTRIP does not guarantee any rights over the same. The negligible showing of data about occasions, the protected innovation related thereto by outsiders or further encouraging reservations in connection to outside occasions, does not at all infer, propose, or constitute BALMYTRIP’s sponsorship or endorsement of related outsiders, or any alliance amongst BALMYTRIP and outsiders.
  • 5.3 Although BALMYTRIP attempts sensible business endeavors to guarantee that the portrayal and substance in the SOS and each page of the Site is right, it doesn’t, notwithstanding, assume liability for changes that happened because of human or information passage blunders or for any misfortune or harm endured by any Client because of the any data preserved by them.
  • 5.4 BALMYTRIP does not underwrite any promoter on its site in any way. The Clients are asked for, to check the authenticity of the data, before relying and getting dependent on such data.
  • 5.5 BALMYTRIP does not, by offering a trip related administration to specific goals, speak to or warrant that movement to such goals is without hazard, and should not be subject for harms or misfortunes that may come, because of movement and such goals.
  • 5.6 In no occasion should BALMYTRIP be at risk for any immediate, backhanded, reformatory, coincidental, unique, considerable harms or some other harms coming forth because of: (a) the utilization or the failure of utilizing the administrations; (b) the cost of acquisition of substitute products and ventures or coming about because of any merchandise, data or administrations acquired or got or messages got or exchanges went into through the administrations; (c) unapproved access or adjustment of the Client’s transmissions or information; (d) some other issue identifying with the administrations; including, without constraint, harms for loss of utilization, information or benefits, emerging out of or in any capacity associated with profiting administrations from BALMYTRIP .

Neither BALMYTRIP would oversee the postponement or powerlessness to utilize/profit the Site or Administrations, the arrangement of or inability to give benefits by Specialist co-op, or for any data, programming, items, benefits and related designs got from BALMYTRIP, whether in light of agreement, tort, carelessness, strict risk or something else. Further, BALMYTRIP should not be considered in charge of non-accessibility of the site amid intermittent upkeep tasks or any spontaneous suspension of access to the administrations that may happen because of specialized reasons or for any reason outside BALMYTRIP’s ability to control. The Client comprehends and concurs that any material as well as information downloaded or generally received from Site/BALMYTRIP is done completely at their own caution and hazard and they will be exclusively in charge of any harm to their PC frameworks or whatever other misfortune that outcomes from such material or potentially information.

These impediments, disclaimer of guarantee and rejections apply without respect to whether the harm emerge from (a) break of agreement, (b) rupture of guarantee, (c) carelessness, or (d) some other reason for activity, to the degree such avoidance and constraints are not restricted by relevant law.

The most extreme risk on part of BALMYTRIP emerging under any conditions, in regard of any Administrations profited, might be constrained up to a greatest discount of aggregate sum got from the Client for giving the administrations less cancelation, discount or other charges, as might be material. For no situation BALMYTRIP might be subject for any noteworthy misfortune, harm, or extra cost at all. In no occasion BALMYTRIP should be subject for any sort of discounts/returns of charges/expense/tolls paid to Specialist organization for rendering the administrations to Client.

6. Connections To Outsider Destinations

  • 6.1 The Site may contain connections to different sites (“Connected Locales”). The Connected Destinations are not under the control of BALMYTRIP or the Site and BALMYTRIP isn’t in charge of the substance of any Connected Site, including without constraint any connection contained in a Connected Site, or any progressions or updates to a Connected Site. BALMYTRIP isn’t in charge of any type of transmission, at all, got by the Client from any Connected Site. BALMYTRIP is giving these connections to the Client just as an accommodation, and the incorporation of any connection does not infer support by BALMYTRIP or the Site of the Connected Destinations or any relationship with its administrators or proprietors including the legitimate beneficiaries or doles out thereof.
  • 6.2 BALMYTRIP isn’t in charge of any mistakes, oversights, or portrayals on any Connected Site. BALMYTRIP does not underwrite any sponsor on any Connected Site in any way. The Clients are asked for to confirm the precision of all data all alone before embraced any dependence on such data.

7. Forbiddance Against Unlawful Utilize

As a state of the utilization of the Site, the Client assures that they won’t utilize the Site for any reason that is unlawful or illicit under any law until further notice in constrain inside or outside India or disallowed by this Assertion as well as the SOS including both particular and inferred. Moreover, the Site might not be utilized as a part of any way, which could harm, incapacitate, overburden or debilitate it or meddle with some other gathering’s utilization or potentially delight in the Site. The Client might shun getting or endeavoring to get any materials or data through any methods not purposefully made accessible or accommodated or through the Site.

8. Utilization Of Correspondence Administrations

  • 8.1 The Site may contain administrations, for example, email, visit, notice board administrations, data identified with different visitor spots, news gatherings, discussions, groups, individual website pages, timetables, as well as other message (hereinafter altogether alluded to as “Correspondence Administrations”). The Client concurs and attempts to utilize the Correspondence Administrations just to post, send and get messages and material that are appropriate and identified with the specific Correspondence Administration. By method for instance, and not as a restriction, the Client concurs and attempts that when utilizing a Correspondence Administration, the Client won’t:
  • Malign, mishandle, bother, stalk, debilitate or generally disregard the legitimate privileges of others;
  • Distribute, post, transfer, convey or disperse any improper, irreverent, defamatory, encroaching, disgusting, revolting or unlawful point, name, material, or data;
  • Distribute, post, transfer, circulate or disperse any wrong, base, defamatory, encroaching, foul, disgusting or unlawful theme, name, material, or data;
  • Transfer or disseminate records that contain infections, defiled documents, or some other comparable programming or projects that may harm the task of the Site or another’s PC;
  • Promote or offer to purchase any products or administrations for any business reason, unless such Correspondence Administration particularly permits such messages;
  • Direct or forward overviews, challenges, fraudulent business models or networking letters;
  • Download any document posted by another Client of a Correspondence Administration that the Client know, or sensibly should know, can’t be legitimately dispersed in such way;
  • Misrepresent or erase any creator attributions, legitimate or other appropriate notification or exclusive assignments or marks of the root or wellspring of programming or other material contained in a document that is transferred;
  • Abuse any set of accepted rules or different rules, which might be material for or to a specific Correspondence Administration;
  • Disregard any appropriate laws or controls until further notice in compel in or outside India.
  • Disregard any of the terms and states of this Understanding or some other terms and conditions for the utilization of the Site contained somewhere else.
  • 8.2 BALMYTRIP will audit materials posted through Correspondence Administration and might expel any material in its sole attentiveness. BALMYTRIP maintains all authority to end the Client’s entrance to any or most of the Correspondence Administrations whenever seen without any reason at all.
  • 8.3 BALMYTRIP holds the comfortable circumstances to uncover any data, as is important to fulfil or follow any relevant law, direction, lawful process, or administrative demand, or to alter, decline to present or on expel any data or materials, in entire or to a limited extent, in BALMYTRIP’s sole attentiveness.
  • 8.4 BALMYTRIP does not control or underwrite the substance, messages or data found in any correspondence benefit and, accordingly, BALMYTRIP particularly disavows any obligation or duty at all concerning the correspondence administrations and any activities coming forth because of the Client’s cooperation in any correspondence benefit.
  • 8.5 Materials transferred to a Correspondence Administration might be liable to post impediments on use, multiplication as well as scattering. Client is in charge of keeping himself refreshed and holding fast to such impediments in the event, when they download the materials.
  • 8.6 When you enlist with BALMYTRIP.com, we or any of our accomplices/offshoot/aggregate organizations may get in touch with you every now and then to give the offers/data of such items/benefits that we accept may profit you.

9. End/Access Limitation

BALMYTRIP holds the right, in its sole carefulness, to end the entrance to the site and the related administrations or any bit thereof whenever, without informing.

10. Charges Instalment

  • 10.1 BALMYTRIP maintains all authority to charge posting expenses for specific postings, and exchange charges considering certain finished exchanges utilizing the BALMYTRIP Administrations. BALMYTRIP further maintains all authority to adjust any expenses now and again, without informing
  • 10.2 The Client might be subject to pay every pertinent charge, expenses, obligations, duties, tolls, and evaluations for benefiting the BALMYTRIP Administrations.

11. Client’s Commitments And Client Record

  • 11.1 The Client speak to and affirm that the Client is of lawful age to go into a coupling contract and isn’t a man banished from benefiting the Administrations under the laws of India or other relevant law.
  • 11.2 To benefit an Administration through the Site, the Client has and should keep on maintaining at his sole cost: (a) all the vital types of gear including a PC and modem and so on to get to the Site/profit Administrations; (b) possess access to the Internet. The Client might be in charge of getting to the Administrations and that entrance may include outsider expenses including, broadcast appointment charges or network access supplier’s charges which are to be solely borne by the Client.
  • 11.3 The Client additionally comprehends that the Administrations may incorporate certain interchanges from BALMYTRIP as Administration declarations and managerial messages. The Client comprehends and concurs that the Administrations are given on an “as may be” premise and that BALMYTRIP does not accept any accountability for cancellations, mis-conveyance or inability to store any Client interchanges or customized settings.
  • 11.4 Enlistment of the Client on the Site is discretionary. In the event that the Client picks to enlist himself on the, endless supply of the enrolment procedure, the Client might get a client id and secret word. The Client concurs and attempts constantly to be in charge of keeping up the privacy of the secret key and client id, and might be completely in charge of all exercises that happen by utilization of such watchword or client id. Further, the Client agrees to not utilize some other gatherings under id and secret key for any reason at all without legitimate approval from such gathering. You are in charge of the security of your secret key and for all exchanges attempted utilizing your watchword through our administration. The Secret word entered by you is transmitted in one-way scrambled shape to our database and put away in that capacity. In this manner the Secret word won’t be known even to BALMYTRIP. You affirm that you are the approved holder of the charge card or the first record holder utilized as a part of the exchanges you make utilizing the BALMYTRIP administrations. BALMYTRIP won’t be in charge and bothered of any budgetary misfortune, or mental anguish coming forth because of abuse of your ID/secret word/Visa number/account points of interest number for utilizing BALMYTRIP Administrations.
  • 11.5 The Client likewise concurs and embraces and promptly advise BALMYTRIP of any unapproved utilization of the Client’s secret key or client id and to guarantee that the client logs off toward the finish of every session at the site. BALMYTRIP might not oversee any, immediate or backhanded, misfortune or harm emerging out of the client’s inability to consent to this prerequisite.
  • 11.6 The Client additionally consents to: (a) give genuine, exact and finish data about himself and his recipients as incited by the enlistment frame (“Enrolment Information”) on the Site; and (b) keep up and instantly refresh the Enrolment Information to keep it genuine, precise, and present and finish. On the off chance that the Client give any data that is false, off base, not present or inadequate or BALMYTRIP has sensible grounds to speculate that such data is false, mistaken, not present, or deficient, BALMYTRIP has the authority to suspend or end the Client’s enlistment and deny any present or future utilization of the Site or potentially any Administration.
  • 11.7 Besides, the Client awards BALMYTRIP the privilege to uncover to outsiders Enrolment Information to the degree important to carry out the Administrations.

12. Breach

  • 12.1 Without preference to alternate cures accessible to BALMYTRIP under this understanding, the SOS or under relevant law, BALMYTRIP may restrict the Client’s action, or end the Client’s posting, cautioning different clients of the client’s activities, promptly briefly/uncertainly suspend or end the client’s enlistment, as well as decline to give the client access to the site if:
  • The client is in break of this assertion, the SOS or potentially the records it fuses by reference;
  • BALMYTRIP can’t confirm or validate any data given by the client; or
  • BALMYTRIP trusts that the client’s activities may encroach on any outsider rights or rupture any appropriate law or generally result in any obligation to the client, different clients of the site and additionally BALMYTRIP.
  • 12.2 BALMYTRIP is a facilitator for instalment from Client to the Seller and BALMYTRIP’s commitment to pay the Merchant, is contingent upon fruitful receipt of the related instalments from Client. BALMYTRIP does not ensure instalments to Sellers for amount that have not been effectively received by BALMYTRIP from the Client.

13. Restrictive Rights

  • 13.1 BALMYTRIP may furnish the Client with substance, for example, sound, photos, designs, video, or other material contained in support of ads or data. This material might be ensured by copyrights, trademarks or other licensed innovation rights and laws. The Client may utilize this material just as explicitly approved by BALMYTRIP and might not duplicate, transmit or make subordinate works of such material without explicit approval from BALMYTRIP.
  • 13.2 The Client recognizes and concurs that they might not transfer, post, imitate or disperse any substance on or through the Site that is secured by copyright or other restrictive right of an outsider, without getting the consent of the proprietor of such right. Any copyrighted or other restrictive substance disseminated on or through the Site with the assent of the proprietor must contain the fitting copyright or other exclusive rights with permission. The unapproved accommodation or circulation of copyrighted or other restrictive substance is illicit and could subject the Client to individual obligation or criminal indictment.

14. Relationship

None of the arrangements of this Assertion, terms and conditions, sees the privilege to utilize the Site by the Client, contained in this or some other area or pages of the Site as well as the Connected Destinations, should be constituted as an association between the Client and BALMYTRIP and no gathering or information states there is any special tie or to be considered that operator or user has any link. It might be noted, nevertheless, that if by utilizing the Site, the Client approves BALMYTRIP and its operators to get to outsider destinations assigned by them or for their sake for recovering asked for data, the Client should be regarded to have selected BALMYTRIP and its specialists as their specialist for this reason.

15. Headings

The headings and subheadings in this are incorporated just for accommodation and recognizable proof and are not expected to portray, decipher, characterize or restrict the extension, degree or goal of this Assertion, the TOS or the privilege to utilize the Site by the Client contained in this or some other area or pages of the Site or any Connected Destinations in any way at all.

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